The great vocation that nowadays exist for cuisine, within the frame of a country with such an extraordinary gastronomic richness and tradition, must be carried to the professional field in a coherent, practical and efficient way.
This training will allow the student to get to know the world of professional cuisine through the knowledge of food and the technology applied to it, learning the conservation techniques, manipulation and elaboration, nutritional aspects and quality and food security control, learning about different cuisines all over the world and other complementary gastronomic products. But the students will also learn about aspects related to restaurant management and investigation and innovation for the development of new products with the aim of training the future chefs in a comprehensive way.
The theoretical-practical training is complemented with professional internships in national and international restaurants which will ease the student´s access to the professional cuisine world with guarantees of success.
- Duration: 3 Years
- Access requirements: High school graduate or equivalent.
- Degree: Superior Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
- Private education: Degree run by ESHS
Who is it directed to?
Amateurs with a passion for cuisine and gastronomy
- People with interests in the world of nutrition, health and gastronomic investigation
- High school graduates or equivalent. Previous experience is not required

The Superior Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy, of three years of duration and classroom-based training, is a private degree run by ESHS that will allow the student to enter the professional cuisine world through the knowledge of food, treating aspects related to nutrition, food security or cuisines from around the world and also getting to learn about business management.
Planes de estudio
1st Year– Common in the threee specialities | 2nd Year- Speciality | 3rd Year – Speciality | |
Theoretical Training |
1st Year– Common in the threee specialities Basic Restaurant techniques (cuisine, patisserie and service) |
2nd Year- Speciality Elaboration techniques and applied technology |
3rd Year – Speciality International cuisine techniques and applied technology |
Practical Training |
1st Year– Common in the threee specialities Curricular: |
2nd Year- Speciality Curricular: Extracurricular: |
3rd Year – Speciality Curricular: Extracurricular: |

Internship Program
Nuestro ambicioso programa de prácticas (Programa Worlwide Career), así como los numerosos acuerdos alcanzados con las mejores empresas turísticas y hosteleras nacionales e internacionales, posibilitan que los alumnos de la Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla realicen cada año sus stages en los hoteles y restaurantes más prestigiosos del mundo, facilitando su inserción definitiva en el mercado laboral con un alto nivel de capacitación.
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Other Formative Programs

University Training
- Hotel and touristic business management
- Kitchen and nutrition management
- Master in Hospitality business management and administration (MADEH)
- Master in Hospitality Management

Technical Training
- Superior Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
- Superior Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
- Superior Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier
- Specialist Technical Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
- Specialist Technical Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
- Specialist Technical Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier

Specialised Training
- Restaurant Services Expert
- Cuisine Expert
- Patisserie Expert
- Professional Course in Cuisine for Restaurants
- Professional Course in Patisserie and Confectionery
- Superior Course in Spanish Gastronomy and Culture
- Improvement in Culinary Techniques – Level 1
- Improvement in Culinary Techniques – Level 2