Escuela Superior de Hostelería Sevilla
ESHS is a high education centre on the fields of hospitality and tourism with an unnegotiable goal: to achieve excellence and to train the future leaders of the sector. A business school founded in 1993 and a vital part of the prestigious Grupo Lezama
It is considered one of the best schools in the world as credited by the 3 awards granted by EURHODIP, the entity that conglomerates the main schools and universities of the sector. It has been chosen as “The Best European School of the Year” in 2000, 2005 and 2017; it also counts with the “Iberian-American award to the educative excellence” given by the Consejo Iberoamericano de Universidades and it also was appointed as headquarters of AHEOS (Spanish Association of Hospitality Schools)
About Us
The school´s vocation of service is one of the trademarks of D. Luis de Lezama, president and founder of Grupo Lezama and the school itself. An educative institution which was born out of the rising demand of qualified professionals for this sector that is, without a doubt, one of the engines of the Spanish and Andalusian economies.
This way, the school started its way in order to achieve an ambitious goal: to train those who were called to be the managers and directors of restaurants and hotels. Those people must perform as it is expected of them and with effort and daily hard work, they must keep overcoming every challenge that may appear. The number kept growing and now there are over 4500 former students. With all of them we bet on a comprehensive training along with the philosophy of “Learning by Doing”.
One of the most important milestones the school has reached has been the collaboration with university Pablo Olavide and our remarkable work on the field of innovation.

Where are we?
We have the great fortune of being an active part in the life of one of the most extraordinary cities there are. Seville, with its own style, advances through the 21st century offering its openness, modernity and internationalisation to the world.
Its historical heritage, its idiosyncrasy and its people make Seville deserving of the recognition as the best city to visit in 2018.
Taberna del Alabardero
One of the core themes of this school is “Learning by doing”, a practice that we carry out from day one, with a type of training completely imbued with the real hospitality labor world. And we exercise these practices with the level of demand that being a part of Grupo Lezama implies. Grupo Lezama is a renowned corporation with top level establishments in Spain and the U.S among which there are some of the best hotels, restaurants, caterings or convention centers.
Our students, specifically, receive training on the fields of cuisine, restaurant service and many management areas (commercial, F&B, event organization, purchases department…) Within the headquarters of Taberna del Alabardero Sevilla, a palace-house from the 19th Century on the historic center of Seville, which hosts a boutique hotel, a gastronomic restaurant and a bistro equipped with the latest kitchen technology, the nest for the new gastronomic talents “Alabardero LAB”, classrooms and meeting rooms. These facilities are completed with the catering department that offers high level services to businesses and social events, as well as the Hacienda San Juan de Hornillo, 15 minutes away from Seville, where some of the most exclusive professional or familiar events in Andalusia take place.
The theoretical education that the students receive is complemented by the practical training because there are many subjects that require the day to day contact with a real hospitality business routine. In Taberna del Alabardero, the students face a real working environment carrying all of the responsibility that this implies, but also being surrounded and supported by their own teachers which will evaluate their advancements and that will analyze their reaction capacities.

Teaching Staff
Credited teachers and remarkable professionals of the hospitality and tourism sector form our teaching staff. This way our students receive a practical and up to date training matching the demands of the sector.

Javier Aguiar Fontán
Responsible of the restaurant services area of the ESHS. Graduated in Hospitality and Tourism by the CSHG.

Alberto Blanca Retamero
Professor in the hotel management area. Graduated in Touristic Businesses and Activities by ESIC Business AND Management School. Director of Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace, Seville.

Antonio Borrego Olmedo
Coordinator of the business administration area. Economist. Expert in Cost Control and management of touristic businesses.

Javier García Pereda
Responsable del área de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Director del dep. de I+D+i de la ESHS. Grado en Nutrición por la UCAM; Ldo. en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos por la Universidad de Córdoba.

Jesús Cambra Fierro
Academic Director of the university programs in ESHS. Doctor in marketing and market investigation by Universidad de Zaragoza. Full Professor on the business organisation and marketing in Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Dean of the business faculty in UPO.

Juan Cartaya Baños
Professor of History of Gastronomy and Tourism politics and economy on ESHS. Historian. Doctor in modern history by Universidad de Sevilla.

Laura Gómez Ruiz
Professor in the business administration area. Doctor in business sciences. Accounting professor on the business sciences faculty in Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

David Hernández Sanjuán
Professor on the area of business administration. Lawyer, expert on tourism law. Professor in the confederation of entepreneurs of Andalusia and the ministry of labor of Junta de Andalucía.

Mark Thomson
Coordinador del área de idiomas (CLIC-Ih). Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management and Tourism; Leeds Metropolitan University. Ex Director de Hotel.

Inmaculada López Sola
Professor on the business administration area, imparts professional comunication and development. Licensed in psychology by Universidad de Sevilla. Consultant in Human Resources and leadership.

Fermín López Viñuales
Head Chef of ESHS and coordinator of the gastronomy and cuisine area. Professor on the kitchen technology area.

Miguel Ángel Prieto Juarez
Jefe de Cocina de la ESHS en Taberna del Alabardero Sevilla. Profesor del área de Tecnología de Cocina y Gastronomía. Diplomado Superior en Cocina y Master en Dirección y Administración de Empresas Hosteleras por la ESHS.

Edmundo Hernández Francés
Professor on the hotel management area. Graduate in hotel Management by ESHS, Master in hospitality business management. Director of Taberna del Alabardero de Sevilla.

Fernando Leyva Espadafor
Professor on the pastry technology area, work practices monitor. Graduate on patisserie and confectionery by ESHS.

Antonio Suárez Hidalgo
Profesor del área de Tecnología de Servicios de Restauración. Monitor de prácticas. Sumiller, responsable del área de Enología y Cata de la ESHS – Taberna del Alabardero. Diplomado Superior en Hostelería y Turismo

Irina Naranjo Fernández
Responsible of quality and academic coordination of the ESHS. Master in management and administration of hospitality businesses; Licensed in Law by Universidad de Sevilla.

Armando Fernández-Aramburu Vázquez
Técnico informático, experto en TIC y sistemas aplicados a la gestión hostelera. Profesor de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas y en tecnologías de la información en la ESHS.

José Molina Jódar
Professor on the pastry technology area, work practices monitor. Superior technician in patisserie and confectionery.

Ismael Macías
Diplomado Técnico en Servicios de Restauración y Sumillería. Profesor del área de Servicios de Restauración de la ESHS – Taberna del Alabardero.

Javier Velázquez Fernández
Postgrado en Gestión de A+B por la ESHS. Director de Operaciones de Taberna del Alabardero Sevilla. Master en Dirección de Restauración y F&B Hotelero; Máster en Recursos Humanos y Organización, ESIC.
Profesores Colaboradores
Jaime Aranda
Profesor del área de Marketing e Innovación. COworking en innovacion, startups, educación y turismo. Co fundador de workINcompany.
Tomás Cabello
Professor in the business administration. Licensed in Market investigations and techniques by Universidad de Sevilla. Professor appointed to the marketing and business administration department in Universidad de Sevilla.
Alvaro López Cabrales
Professor on the business administration area, imparts the subject of Human resources managment. Doctor in business management. Strategic human resources management ofUniversidad Pablo de Olavide.
Javier Moreno Castro
Professor on the food security and hygiene area. Technician on security, nutrition and environmental health coordination of the Andalusian health service.
Carlos Mitchel
Profesor del área de Cocina. Diplomado Superior en Cocina y Gastronomía ESHS
Mª Eugenia López
Profesora experta en RSC. Consultora hostelera. Doctora en Economía por la Universidad de Sevilla.
Carmelo López
Profesor del Área de Marketing y Eventos. Consultor Hotelero. Ex director de Hotel.
Leopoldo Nuñez Esquivel
Head chef of Taberna del Alabardero. Professor on the gastronomy and cuisine technology. Graduated in cuisine by ESHS.
Miguel Pérez Ávila
Profesor del área de Tecnología de Cocina, monitor de prácticas. Diplomado Superior en Cocina.
Toni Piña Florit
Profesor colaborador del área de Tecnología de Cocina. Técnico Especialista en Hostelería y Turismo, especialidad Cocina. Experto micólogo. Director del departamento de Hostelería del CAIB – Universidad de Illes Balears.
Juan Carlos Real Fernández
Profesor del área de Administración de Empresas. Doctor en Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Sevilla. Profesor del departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketing de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
Ana María Robles Rodríguez
Profesora del área de Dirección Hotelera. Directora de Alojamiento en Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace. Lda. en Filología inglesa por la Universidad de Sevilla. Postgrado en Dirección de alimentos y bebidas por la ESAH y Doble Master en Dirección de Empresas Online y Marketing digital.
Juan José Ruiz Álvarez
Profesor colaborador del área de Tecnología de Cocina, experto en Innovación Culinaria. Diplomado Superior en Cocina y Gastronomía por la ESHS. Propietario y jefe de cocina de La Salmoreteca.
André Salla
Profesor del área de tecnología de servicios de restauración, enología y sumillería. Sommelier. Consultor experto en enología y cata.
Jean-Michel Servent
Profesor colaborador del área de Tecnología de Pastelería, experto en repostería francesa. Técnico Superior en Pastelería / Repostería.
David Serrano Gutiérrez
Profesor del área de Administración de Empresas. Experto en Marketing 2.0 y en Comunicación. Teat y Ldo. en CC. Económicas por la Universidad de Sevilla. Gerente de Es.Cultura Programas Singulares.
Rosario Vázquez Carrasco
Profesora del área de Administración de Empresas. Doctora en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Sevilla. Licenciada en Economía y en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado por la Universidad de Sevilla. Profesora de Marketing del Departamento de Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.