Classroom-based training

ESHS maintains a close cooperative relationship with University Pablo Olavide, one of the pioneers among the Spanish universities in the fields of investigation and technological development, with the common goal of bettering the professional qualification of the university students and professionals of the hospitality sector.

That is why from ESHS and UPO we carry out the execution of postgraduate programs (Master and University extension) in management and direction of hospitality companies as well as programs of specialised training in collective management. These studies promote the investigation and innovation on the tourism and hospitality sector, especially on those areas of interest for the sector such as expansion and strategic development, nutrition, cuisine or new gastronomic trends.
This program will allow the students to develop
capabilities already acquired in other fields, complement them with new abilities and lead them to their practical application in the touristic field everywhere in the world. It will also promote their business designing skills which will allow them to innovate, investigate, solve problems and develop new products and services.

These internships in partner companies will allow the students to strengthen their abilities easing their introduction to the working world.



Access Requirements: University graduates and applicants with certifiable capacitation circumstances, professional experience or the ones that pass the specific test that would be established.

Degree: Master/University extension in management and direction.

  • Speciality: Double speciality.
  • Hotel and resort management.
  • Restaurant management.
  • Both specialities are coursed jointly.
  • Hours/credits: 600 Theoretical-practical hours/60 credits.
  • Modality: Classroom-based.
  • Calendar: From October to J
  • Theoretical period: October to February.
  • Practical period (in partner companies): from March (3 to 6 months)
  • Final business Project: Yes
  • Scolarship: Yes.

Who is it directed to?

University graduates in cuisine, hospitality, nutrition or tourism

  • University graduates in any area
  • Credited technicians and people with professional experience in sector-related companies

A genuine hospitality expert degree from a great business school. This Master in management and direction of hospitality businesses in a degree run by Pablo Olavide University and ESHS jointly. It takes 1 academic year and is complemented with professional internships and the final business project.

Training Program

The program is composed by 7 modules distributed in 2 differentiated areas: general business area and specific management area.

Parallel to the training plan, other related matters are imparted through workshops, forums, seminars, presentations and other academic activities that will allow the student to focus on hotel and restaurant management.


Theoretical content

  • Introduction to the hospitality sector
  • MODULE 0: Introduction
    • Introduction to the hospitality sector
    • Strategic analysis
  • MODULE 0: General operations
    • Quality management in the touristic business
    • Human resources and communication management
  • MODULE II: Marketing and comercial management
    • Basics of marketing
    • E-marketing
    • Yield management/ Revenue Management
    • Congresses and events – marketing
    • Congresses and events – Organisation and leisure program
  • MODULE III: Law of tourism
    • Law of tourism
    • Fundamentals of civil laws, administrative laws, comercial laws and tax laws applied to touristic business
    • Labour relations
  • MODULE IV: Administration and management control
    • Management and control mechanisms applied to hospitality
    • Basic analysis ratios
    • USALI analytic accounting applied to hospitality business
  • MODULE V: Hotel operations
    • Hosting and intermediary tourism companies
    • Hotel direction and administration
    • Strategic management
  • MODULE VI: Restaurant operations
    • Resources management and A+B
    • Kitchen operations
    • Food security
    • Basic nutrition an dietotherapy
  • MODULE VII: Business plan designing – final project
  • Students will develop a final Project consisting of the design of a business plan for a hospitality companies. This project will be evaluated by a committee established by the program´s management.

Practical content

Professional internships in partner companies. These internships are managed and coordinated by ESHS.

Internship Program

Nuestro ambicioso programa de prácticas (Programa Worlwide Career),  así como los numerosos acuerdos alcanzados con las mejores empresas turísticas y hosteleras nacionales e internacionales, posibilitan que los alumnos de la Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla realicen cada año sus stages en los hoteles y restaurantes más prestigiosos del mundo, facilitando su inserción definitiva en el mercado laboral con un alto nivel de capacitación.

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    * obligatory fields

    Other Formative Programs

    University Training

    • Hotel and touristic business management
    • Kitchen and nutrition management
    • Master in Hospitality business management and administration (MADEH)
    • Master in Hospitality Management


    • Superior Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
    • Superior Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
    • Superior Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier
    • Specialist Technical Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
    • Specialist Technical Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
    • Specialist Technical Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier

    Specialised Training

    • Restaurant Services Expert
    • Cuisine Expert
    • Patisserie Expert
    • Professional Course in Cuisine for Restaurants
    • Professional Course in Patisserie and Confectionery
    • Superior Course in Spanish Gastronomy and Culture
    • Improvement in Culinary Techniques – Level 1
    • Improvement in Culinary Techniques – Level 2