Hotel and Touristic Business Management

Classroom-based Training

Touristic business management, in any of its forms, needs professionals that know and control all of its managerial characteristics nationally and internationally.

That is why the specialised training of professionals, directors and managers of the touristic sector is so necessary. For this reason, it must be done with quality contents that can help the students benefit for the employment opportunities that the sector offers.

Our training program provides the students with the necessary abilities to take on the responsibilities of higher positions and to solve managerial problems encouraging their implication with the innovation processes and strategic planning of hospitality business.

This theoretical training is complemented with a practical period of professional internships in nationally and internationally recognised hotel and restaurant chains which will help our students access to the working world.

  • Duration: 4 years.
  • Access requirements: Advanced secondary education or equivalent.
  • Double degree: Superior Degree in Hotel Management/University extension granted by Pablo Olavide University.
  • Private education – Degree run by ESHS.

Who is it directed to?

People with interests in management and direction of hospitality and tourism related businesses.

  • Responsibles of booking, Marketing and Human Resources management, among others.
  • Entrepreneurs looking for new product in the tourism sector.
  • Advanced secondary education or equivalent. Previous experience in not necessary.
Dirección de Hotel y Empresas Turísticas - ¿A quién va dirigido? - Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla

Tourism is one of the engines that makes the Spanish economy moving and as such, it is in need of highly qualified professionals for business of the sector. The university grade of hotel and tourism management is given exclusively by ESHS and is complemented by the University extension granted by University Pablo Olavide. 4 years of classroom-based education where the students live the real life experience of managing a company from the first day.

Training programs

Curso 1 Curso 2 Curso 3
Operation Area

Curso 1

Technology and operations of cuisine, patisserie and catering services
Food technology
Dietetics and Nutrition
Food Hygiene
Food security

Curso 2

Technology and operations of cuisine, patisserie and catering services
Banquet management
Oenology and sommelier
Dietotherapy applied to cuisine
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HAACCP)

Curso 3

International and market cuisine and menú ingeneering
Hotel Inside
Event organisation

Business area

Curso 1

Innovation on the hospitality industry
I.T (I)
Labour risk prevention

Curso 2

Costs and yields
I.T (II)

Curso 3

Applied financial practice
Business management
Tourism Law (I)
Touristic Marketing
New Technologies

Humanities area

Curso 1

Introduction to the history of gastronomy
Professional development

Curso 2

Managerial and leading skills
Tourism sociology and politics
Communication and negotiation

Curso 3

Human Resources management

Lenguage area

Curso 1

2nd lenguage: French/German

Curso 2

2nd lenguage: French/German

Curso 3

2nd lenguage: French/German

Internship Area

Curso 1

Curricular internships 4 months
Extracurricular internships 2 months in summer

Curso 2

Curricular internships 4 months
Extracurricular internships 2 months in summer

Curso 3

Curricular internships 4 months
Extracurricular interships 2 months in summer

Universidad Pablo De Olavide Sevilla - Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla

4º curso / Diploma de Extensión Universitaria

Curso 4
Operation area Kitchen management and organisation
Food and drinks management
Kitchen production in collectives
Food quality and security
Business plan designing: final project
Business area Management and control. “Uniform System Account” for hospitality business
Law of tourism (II)
Commercial policies applied to hospitality and tourism
Yield management/ Revenue management
Quality systems for hospitality
Humanities area Corporative social responsability
Personal branding
Lenguage area English
2nd Lenguage: French / German
Internship Area Extracurricular internships 6 months starting in March
Dirección de Hotel y Empresas Turísticas - Programa de Prácticas - Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla

Internship Program

Nuestro ambicioso programa de prácticas (Programa Worlwide Career),  así como los numerosos acuerdos alcanzados con las mejores empresas turísticas y hosteleras nacionales e internacionales, posibilitan que los alumnos de la Escuela Superior de Hostelería de Sevilla realicen cada año sus stages en los hoteles y restaurantes más prestigiosos del mundo, facilitando su inserción definitiva en el mercado laboral con un alto nivel de capacitación.

Request additional information

    * obligatory fields

    Other Formative Programs

    University Training

    • Hotel and touristic business management
    • Kitchen and nutrition management
    • Master in Hospitality business management and administration (MADEH)
    • Master in Hospitality Management


    • Superior Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
    • Superior Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
    • Superior Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier
    • Specialist Technical Diploma in Cuisine and Gastronomy
    • Specialist Technical Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery
    • Specialist Technical Diploma in Restaurant Services and Sommelier

    Specialised Training

    • Restaurant Services Expert
    • Cuisine Expert
    • Patisserie Expert
    • Professional Course in Cuisine for Restaurants
    • Professional Course in Patisserie and Confectionery
    • Superior Course in Spanish Gastronomy and Culture
    • Improvement in Culinary Techniques – Level 1
    • Improvement in Culinary Techniques – Level 2